Terms & Conditions 


By agreeing to the waiver or making a purchase from Reclaim Movement, you have agreed to the following Terms & Conditions, relating to both being registered with Reclaim Movement and being a coaching client. Please take time to familiarise yourself with all policies, especially the Health Screening section prior to commencing coaching sessions and for attending live classes (online or in person), please take particular note of the Cancellation policy. 

Privacy  Policy

By submitting your details you are agreeing to be sent emails by Reclaim Movement. Reclaim Movement is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Any data collected will be hosted securely and will not be shared with any third party.

You can opt-out at any time by using the Unsubscribe button at the end of emails or by emailing me at wendy@reclaimmovment.co.uk. Reclaim Movement may keep a record of any correspondence for future reference.

Sessions recordings will be made of the Coach only (in Speaker View) unless agreed with participants beforehand. Permission for taking and using photographs or screenshots of clients will always be requested. 

Coaching Terms & Conditions

The Client understands the Coach (Wendy Welpton) is a self-employed trainer. Clients acknowledge that in engaging the Coach they are entering into a contract with her alone and not with any facility or any subsidiary companies.

Membership Purchase

Reclaim Movement uses the Sudor.fit platform as a class booking and video storage and replay solution. By creating an account, making a purchase and viewing videos with Reclaim Movement you are accepting this agreement and entering into a contract with Reclaim Movement only. We may update this agreement by posting a revised version. You may terminate this agreement by either cancelling your subscription at any time or by emailing wendy@reclaimmovement.co.uk. You can make purchases if you are 18 years or over. You are responsible for safeguarding your own account credentials. If you are using a computer that others have access to you must log out after each session. If you become aware of unauthorised access to your account you must notify us immediately. 

  • Subscription: For a recurring monthly or annual fee, you may stream the videos offered an unlimited number of times during your subscription period and attend unlimited live classes. Reclaim Movement may add or remove Programs from the channel at any time.

Intellectual Property

Copyright of videos: subject to the terms hereof, you have the right to stream for your personal entertainment purposes only: videos that you have subscribed to during your subscription period.

Restrictions: You may not share or resell any videos for any personal entertainment or commercial purpose, redistribute or retransmit any video, publicly perform or display any video, or make derivative works from any video without the express permission of Reclaim Movement. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by Reclaim Movement.


Your use of the Reclaim Movement Membership service and any videos is at your own risk. Videos are provided on an 'as is' and 'as available' basis, without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, and making no representations or warranties concerning:

  • Any particular device, operating system or browser

  • The viewing quality of any video

  • Cannot guarantee that you will be able to use the service at all times

  • The viewing of any video is uninterruped, error-free or displayed at any particular resolution.

  •  The quality of your viewing experience depends on a number of factors, including your viewing device and the quality of your Internet connection.

  • The content of any video or the suitability of any video for any audience. All opinions and statements expressed by or in videos (or related materials) are those of Reclaim Movement and/or persons involved in the production of the video only. 

  • The continued availability of any video or the availability of particular video within a subscription channel. Videos may be withdrawn at any time without notice.

We may provide links to other websites or third-party websites but Reclaim Movement is not responsible for the content of, or any interactions or transactions that may take place on or through, any such website.


To make a purchase, you must provide a valid payment method. Prices and other terms of purchase are subject to change. If we provide you access to a class or video on a free basis, such access will be deemed a “purchase” for the purpose of this Agreement.


Free trials and Discounts: we may offer free trial or discounted subscriptions. When a free-trial period ends, your paid subscription begins (unless you have cancelled) and you must pay the full monthly or annual fee. If we provide a discount for the first subscription period, you must pay the discounted fee; in any renewal, you must pay the full fee.

Automatic Renewal: To the extent permitted by applicable law, subscriptions automatically renew for the subscription period until you cancel. Your payment method will be charged at the beginning of each subscription period (the day of the month your free trial period ends and your paid subscription begins).

How to Cancel your Subscription or Decline your Renewal: To cancel a subscription, visit your customer dashboard (powered by Sudor.fit) scroll to the bottom of the web page and click "Manage Subscription’. Your changes will be applied to your next subscription period.

Payments for Private Coaching must be made directly to Reclaim Movement and not through any other facility than via the Reclaim Movement (via Stripe) or by direct bank transfer (BACS) - details on request. All sessions must be paid for in advance. Bookings will not be confirmed until payment is received.

Group Coaching Payment & Bookings

Group coaching sessions on Zoom or as Friends Small Groups must be paid for in a block of 5 sessions which must be used in the half-term dates advertised. 

Missed Group Private Zoom Class Policy: it is advisable to attend all sessions to ensure continuity of learning and to get the best results for your body. If unforeseen circumstances mean you cannot attend, unfortunately refunds are not possible, however all classes are recorded, so as an exception I can supply the recording for a restricted time period to enable catching up prior to the following session.

​Private Coaching Payment & Bookings

All private pre-paid session packages have a completion date of 3 months from the date of the first session, however all session dates do not need to be booked in advance. Any outstanding sessions will not be carried over the completion date, unless a prior agreement has been made with the Coach. Failure to make a payment will result in sessions being cancelled until payment is received. 


The Client must contact the Coach directly via email or text to cancel (phone number supplied on signing up) or change booked sessions. Cancellations made with less than 24 hours’ notice will incur a full charge. Cancellations made with less than 48 hours’ notice will incur a 50% charge if the coach cannot fill the appointment with an alternative client booking, at the coach’s discretion. Cancellations for pre-paid sessions and packages that have already started will incur 25% charge for any outstanding sessions to cover time spent by the trainer developing and planning the programme.

The Coach reserves the right to cancel or alter coaching sessions dates due to illness or other extenuating circumstances. Should a coaching session be cancelled, an alternative date will be offered. If this is not suitable and payment for that course has already been made, a full refund will be given. In the unlikely event of the Coach being unable to continue the Client’s training, they can transfer their session to another time or request a full refund for any unfulfilled sessions.

Lateness Policy

All sessions will start and finish on time, within reason. If the Client is late, the Coach may not be able to provide the full time for the session. However, if the Coach is late for a session, the Client will still receive the full session time or have the outstanding time added to another session. For sessions on Zoom, clients will be able to join the meeting prior to the scheduled time to be ready to start the session on time. 

Training - Risks & Results

There are inherent risks in participating in a programme of strenuous exercise, and if the Client sustains or claims to sustain any injury while participating in the fitness programme, they acknowledge that the Coach is not responsible.

The Client understands that they have control within a training session and may terminate an exercise or session at any time. Further to this, they acknowledge that it is their obligation to inform the Coach of any symptoms such as abnormal fatigue, shortness of breath or chest discomfort. The Client agrees that the Coach can terminate any exercise or training session at any time if the Coach believes the Client is not in a suitable condition for physical exercise.

The results of any training programme or coaching course cannot be guaranteed and progress depends on the Client’s effort, cooperation and commitment in and outside of the sessions. Individual results may vary and whilst physical improvements will take place no particular result is guaranteed by the Trainer.

Health  Screening

The Coach is not a Doctor, Physiotherapist or Dietician. The Client understands that all advice offered is optional and not a replacement for professional advice from experts within specialist fields.

Please read the following Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) form.

​The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire is designed to uncover issues that may prevent you from commencing an exercise programme. Prior to commencing coaching, you agree to please read all 7 questions. If you answer 'No' to all 7 questions, you are free to commence coaching sessions, otherwise you must please contact me before commencing coaching to discuss your answers. The Coach may require a letter of ‘medical clearance’ from your GP. Please be aware that your GP may charge you for providing this.

The Client acknowledges that their answers to the questions outlined on their Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) form and online questionnaire are true and complete to the best of their knowledge. It is the Client’s responsibility to inform the Coach of any conditions or changes to their health, now and ongoing, which might affect their ability to exercise safely and with minimal risk of injury.

Private Coaching

The Client agrees to fill in an online ‘New Client Questionnaire’ for Private Coaching which will be sent after the first coaching session payment has been received. The results will be discussed in the first coaching session whether attended at the Cumnor Hill Gym (preferrably) or on Zoom due to distance.

The trainer will use their skills and knowledge to design a safe programme of exercise and this will take into account personal goals and fitness levels.

The Coach will provide the coaching, supervision advice and support that the client may need to help them achieve their goals. The client’s progress will be regularly monitored and the programme revised and adjusted accordingly.

The trainer will provide all necessary equipment when coaching takes place in the Cumnor Hill Private Gym & Garden. The client is required to wear appropriate clothing and footwear.​

All client information will be kept strictly private and confidential. If the trainer requires further medical information from a practitioner, the client must provide such details.

By starting a physical exercise programme with the Trainer, the Client acknowledges that they have satisfied themselves as to the suitability of the Coach for their training requirements before commencing their first coaching session, have had any questions regarding their training programme sufficiently answered and they are happy with the Coach's qualifications and experience.

Group Coaching on Zoom

The Coach is not liable for any technological issues which may occur as a result of the hardware/software you are using e.g. internet stability, computer, phone etc while you are completing the online coaching sessions. You must make sure your computer meets the requirements set out by Zoom which can be found here: (https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362023-System-requirements-for-Windows-macOS-and-Linux)

There is no need for you to have a Zoom account to be able to access the Zoom group coaching session, however by using Zoom you must agree to their terms of use (https://www.zoom.us/terms) and their privacy policy (https://www.zoom.us/privacy). By downloading and using the Zoom app (which is the most user-friendly way to use Zoom) you agree to these. You’ll find the links on the download page or in the relevant app store.

Please note all Group Zoom classes are recorded on 'Speaker View' (so that only the Coach is being recorded).

THANK YOU for reading and agreeing to the Terms & Conditions of Reclaim Movement.

Now - let's get moving!