Summer Mini Episodes (scroll down for them all!)

#21. All movement is good movement and every movement counts with Wendy

For the first summer Mini solo episode, I talk about the importance of thinking about overall daily movement, not just exercise and I offer some practical tips to become more aware of your movement, including sitting actively and ways of taking regular breaks to move.


00:00 The Importance of Daily Movement

01:27 The Negative Effects of Prolonged Sitting

03:23 Strategies for Incorporating Movement into Daily Life

Watch the video here:



#22. The Fascinating World of Barefoot Living: Practical Tips for Healthier Feet and Body with Wendy


For the second summer mini solo episode, I’m talking ‘feet’, how they move in relation to how the rest of us moves and the benefits of going barefoot. I’m sharing some foot facts and related practical tips with some additional ways to care for our feet for improved movement health.


01:00 The Importance of the Brain-Body Connection for Foot Health

03:11 Stimulating Nerve Endings and Improving Foot Flexibility

04:09 Transitioning to Minimal or Barefoot Shoes for Better Movement

05:27 Additional Ways to Care for Your Feet

07:48 Embracing Barefoot Practices for Improved Movement Health

If you want to delve deeper with a foot expert, listen to Episode #18. Natural foot function for foot & whole body health with Andy Bryant 

Watch the video here:



#23. Balance for life: Easy daily practices to keep you moving confidently with Wendy


We all know that balancing is a fundamental movement skill, but let’s be honest, it can easily become overlooked when there are so many other exercises that we are told to give high priority.

In this third summer mini solo episode my aim is to inspire you to start practising this skill more in your daily life, to keep doing upright movements with control and confidence for as long as you can.

I talk about ways you can improve your technique with simple tweaks that instantly enhance your ability to balance. I also suggest ways to integrate balance practice seamlessly into your daily routine so don’t have to remember to add it to your never ending ‘to do’ list!

Whichever way you choose to add in more balancing, consistent daily mini practice movements can make all the difference.

Listen to discover easy ways to incorporate balance training into your life and keep moving with confidence. Your future self will thank you!


00:00 Introduction to Balancing as a Movement Skill

02:22 The Decline of Balancing Ability and the Lack of Challenge in the Modern Environment

05:17 Incorporating Balancing Practice into Daily Life

09:33 Enhancing Balance through Balancing Games and Uneven Surfaces

10:59 The Benefits of Regular Balancing Practice

11:25 Building Confidence and Preventing Falls through Balancing

The other episode mentioned regarding retraining our breathing is Episode #10. The link between breathing, posture and movement: unlock your body's full potential with Jane Tarrant

Watch the video here:



#24. Unlock hip health: Simple mobility & strength movements for daily care with Wendy

Healthy, happy hips are so important for maintaining optimal overall movement and particularly upright movement.


In this fourth summer mini episode, I share the importance of hip health and help you see how our modern lifestyles can work against it, leading to tightness, weakness and often pain.


As ever, I share simple, practical tips to keep your hips mobile and strong in ways you may not usually think about in everyday life, but that really are easy to incorporate if we want to help ourselves have happy hips.


00:00 Introduction: The Importance of Hip Health

02:30 Practical Tips for Daily Hip Care

06:42 Ground-Based Hip Movements for Improved Mobility

08:36 Incorporating Hip Movements into Daily Routines

09:04 Enhancing Hip Health with the Reclaim Movement Membership

Watch the video here:



#25. Embracing movement in daily life for lifelong movement resilience with Wendy

It's the last of 5 Summer (feels like a stretch to call it at that, here in the UK!) Mini Episodes. 


This week I'm turning the tables and asking you to answer 3 questions about how you move in daily life. 


Changing the way I see movement and how I move in daily life has helped me make big changes in my body and mind and I believe it can for anyone who really wants to make lifelong changes.  


I hope listening and thinking about your own answers will help to switch on a light of awareness, that makes you want to move more and have fun doing so. 


00:00 Introduction

08:17 Adding Variety to Daily Movements

09:09 Making Choices that Prioritise Movement

11:47 Setting Movement Goals and Incorporating Fun Movements

13:45 The Benefits of Incorporating Movement into Daily Life

14:14 Conclusion

Watch the video here:


#20. Ageing into Health at 103: choosing to be glad and finding joy in life with Dr Gladys McGarey