Episode #19. Breaking Records to Break Down Barriers: Marathon Running Topless after Mastectomy; Louise Butcher’s Empowering Story

Trigger Warning: This episode discuss cancer diagnosis, treatment and more in detail. Please take care of yourself, and hit pause at any stage and if now isn't the right time to listen, please feel free to come back at a better time for you or those around you.

After seeing images on Instagram of Louise Butcher crossing the line of the London Marathon with such pride, I realised what I was seeing was a truly incredible story. 

Delving deeper into Louise’s story on her vlog on Instagram, I was taken by how positive she is, despite having lived through one of the hardest experiences life can throw at you. 

In today’s episode of the @makemovementmatterpodcast Louise tells us about the rollercoaster that has been the last few years of her life. She candidly shares her experience of living with health anxiety and then being diagnosed with lobular breast cancer. 

Having running in her life wasn’t just a physical activity, it became a lifeline for managing her mental health and she is now using it as a way to break records to break down barriers. 

Challenging societal stigmas surrounding breast cancer and life after mastectomy, Louse wants to start important conversations to bring greater awareness and I respect her immensely.  

This conversation covers:

Running as a Tool for Mental Health

Signing Up for the London Virtual Marathon

The Diagnosis and Treatment Journey

Preparing for the Virtual Marathon

Running Topless After a Mastectomy

Opening Conversations and Challenging Thinking

Embracing Authenticity and Being Your True Self

Advocating for Yourself and Finding What Works

Inspiring Others to Embrace Self-Acceptance

About this week’s guests:

Louise Butcher

Hi guys,

My name is Louise Butcher.

I advocate for change every day.

Change that will enable others who feel hopeless, who feel like giving up, who feel like when they lose their breasts their world has ended.

This change comes from digging deep and pushing boundaries, but most of all, it comes from instinct, the instinct that even though others may not understand my mindset, they will understand my hope, my passion and the outcome of my vision x

Connect here:

Sponsorship Website - please donate here: Royal Devon Hospital’s Charity

Instagram: https://instagram.com/@louisebutcher39

More about your host, Wendy

Wendy (49) founded Reclaim Movement after a running injury at 40 turned into 4 years of chronic pain. In her search for answers and to reclaim her own movement again she discovered natural movement. The philosophy of training real life practical movements to be able to keep using them as we age, coupled with the benefit of using strengthening and mobilising whole-body movement patterns that are underused in today’s modern world made her realise she had found a way to move for life.

Wendy’s aim is to help people embrace a movement-rich life, at any age, to improve mobility, strength and confidence to keep moving well and doing the things they love for as long as they want. 

MovNat Level 1 certified & Functional Range Conditioning certified, she coaches online group classes live & by replay in the Reclaim Movement membership as well as online and in-person private coaching in Oxford. 

Find out more about Reclaim Movement:

Instagram: https://instagram.com/reclaim.movement

YouTube: https://youtube.com/@reclaim.movement

Facebook: https://facebook.com/reclaim.movement

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Watch the video of the conversation here:


#20. Ageing into Health at 103: choosing to be glad and finding joy in life with Dr Gladys McGarey


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