Episode #14. Rediscovering Play: Finding Joy from Movement in Adult Life with Darryl Edwards

Playing is such an innate part of growing up that brings so many more benefits than we realise, so what stops us playing as adults? I hadn’t even thought of what play meant to me until I started searching for a way of moving that I knew I could keep doing after injury for life. Speaking to Darryl Edwards, founder of the Primal Play Method, I wanted to find out how he found play again and particularly why he feels it's such an important missing part of our movement lives. 

I really enjoyed this free flowing discussion about a topic that many may not have even thought of or certainly thought about in relation to the way they move. 

We explore the definition, the societal pressure for adults to play less. The importance of recognizing and appreciating play in everyday activities, as well as the myriad benefits for our health. We discussed Darryl’s personal journey from a sedentary lifestyle to embracing movement and play before moving on to thinking about the balance between technological advancement and physical movement  and its evolutionary impact. We look at the importance of finding joy and playfulness in movement, the concept of gamification and creating a sense of excitement and engagement in physical activity, and as is regularly encouraged about making small changes to incorporate more physical activity into their lives.


Defining Play

Societal Pressure and Mindset Shift

Recognizing Play in Everyday Activities

Embracing Play as Adults

The Transformative Power of Play

The Impact of Technology on Physical Movement

The Sedentary Lifestyle and Lack of Movement

The Convenience Factor and Resistance to Physical Activity

Finding Joy and Playfulness in Movement

Incorporating Movement into Daily Tasks

About this week’s guest:

Darryl Edwards

Darryl Edwards, MSc, FBSLM, is a pioneer in the intersection of health and movement, renowned for his groundbreaking Primal Play Method®. He transitioned from a notable career in investment banking technology to a globally acclaimed movement coach and author. Edwards has dedicated his life to helping others to combat chronic lifestyle diseases through his innovative approach to fitness. His distinction as a Fellow of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine (FBSLM) underscores his profound impact on lifestyle medicine.

Edwards's expertise in evolutionary biology, exercise physiology, and play psychology has made him a sought-after speaker at prestigious institutions and conferences worldwide, including Harvard Medical School, the American Academy of Family Physicians, and Microsoft. His acclaimed TED talk, "Why Working Out Isn't Working Out," has captivated over 1.2 million viewers, evidencing his ability to engage and inspire a global audience. His methodologies have been featured in major publications such as The New York Times, Men's Health, and The Guardian, highlighting his influence on public health dialogues.

As an author of best-selling books like "Animal Moves" and "My First Animal Moves," and creator of the Animal Moves Fitness Decks, Edwards advocates for an active, playful lifestyle. He also offers a movement coaching certification program for professionals and personalized health coaching for individuals with chronic conditions, demonstrating his commitment to accessible health solutions. Residing in London, England, Edwards continues to redefine health and fitness through a playful, inclusive approach to physical activity.

Connect here:

Website: https://primalplay.com

Instagram: https://instagram.com/@fitnessexplorer

More about your host, Wendy

Wendy (49) founded Reclaim Movement after a running injury at 40 turned into 4 years of chronic pain. In her search for answers and to reclaim her own movement again she discovered natural movement. The philosophy of training real life practical movements to be able to keep using them as we age, coupled with the benefit of using strengthening and mobilising whole-body movement patterns that are underused in today’s modern world made her realise she had found a way to move for life.

Wendy’s aim is to help people embrace a movement-rich life, at any age, to improve mobility, strength and confidence to keep moving well and doing the things they love for as long as they want. 

MovNat Level 1 certified & Functional Range Conditioning certified, she coaches online group classes live & by replay in the Reclaim Movement membership as well as online and in-person private coaching in Oxford. 

Find out more about Reclaim Movement:

Instagram: https://instagram.com/reclaim.movement

YouTube: https://youtube.com/@reclaim.movement

Facebook: https://facebook.com/reclaim.movement

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Watch the video of the conversation here:


Episode #15. Building Community & Well-being by Embracing Outdoor Movement at Every Age with Gill Erskine & Andrew Telfer of Wildstrong


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