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Helping you embrace a
movement-rich life, to keep
doing the things you love

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Helping you embrace a movement-rich life, to keep doing the things you love





Concerned about losing mobility as you age? Afraid of certain movements due to an old injury? Sitting at a desk regularly & want to incorporate more movement into your day?

Improve your mobility, strength and build greater confidence in how you move, with Reclaim Movement, to keep doing the things you love for life, have fun with movement and stay healthy as you age.

Learn to add regular, accessible, healthy natural movements into daily life as well as exercise sessions.

Reclaim Movement teaches natural movement through online live, on-demand classes and mini movement videos in the membership, private coaching, workshops and on social media.

What my clients say

“I am really enjoying my membership to Reclaim Movement! Wendy makes the moves so accessible and gives different options for difficulty. I love having the full-length classes to do, but particularly like the shorter movement breaks and homework for busy mornings. By choosing one of the shorter sessions I can still get in my movement before going to work! Definitely would recommend it!”

– Allison

"I wish I had discovered natural movement before my injury, but am grateful to have come across Wendy's classes now.

Her lessons have given me the confidence to enjoy exercise again, and the peace of mind that I'm building good habits for the years ahead.

Plus, they're so much fun!"

– Sarah

“Wendy’s lessons were a complete game changer for me. I had done pilates for years but coming back from a knee injury I needed to do something different. She tailored a programme for me that focussed on my problem areas but also that significantly built my strength and movement range across my whole body. 

My progress has been rapid and I’m excited to find out how it’s going to feel and what I’m going to be able to doing in the months to come and beyond. 

I can honestly say I’m hooked.”

– Kate

"Wendy is such a great teacher - clear and calm.

Even after years of yoga, I felt I was using muscles I never knew I had. I came away feeling like I’d had a deep-tissue massage!

The classes are fascinating and a total eye-opener - genuinely transformative."

– Steph

Practising movement goes beyond the classroom

I know that having a long list of exercises to remember to practise daily is easy to put off, so in addition to teaching you movements to improve mobility and build strength, I also teach you how to incorporate these movements into your daily routine to make them habits that last a lifetime. 

Reclaim Movement members, private clients and Instagram followers learn that they can practise their squat at the washing machine, stretch their calf muscles while they’re brushing their teeth, balance on one leg while they put on their shoes and so much more!

Move naturally with the
Reclaim Movement Membership

Take a peek at the web version, including classes, tutorials & mini video programmes. Additional membership benefits are also available in the app.

Hi, I’m Wendy

Despite how it may seem, I haven’t always been able to comfortably drink a cup of tea in a squat, balance on one leg, or even think about hanging from a tree! In fact, I spent four years after a running injury with chronic pain, that left me with limited mobility.

Learning about natural movement changed my life, and enabled me to reclaim my movement. This experience led me to take a certification and now I’m passionate about helping others to avoid pain and to enjoy moving through life.

I’ve created the Reclaim Movement Membership where people from all over the world can join live classes and access a wealth of videos. I also offer private 1-1 and group coaching in person from my Cumnor Hill, Oxford private gym & garden or on Zoom.

‘Make Movement Matter’ - the NEWPodcast
Listen on Spotify, Apple or watch on YouTube

In this podcast Wendy chats to a variety of inspiring guests; from those who've found new ways of moving to make change in their lives, like-minded movement geeks, as well as specialists talking about specific topics on the subject of…you’ve guessed it; movement! 

Learn about the importance and benefits of moving more (naturally) and practical ways to add more healthy movement into our lives at any stage. 

If you’ve started to realise you can’t take movement for granted anymore or that the comforts of modern living are taking their toll on your body as you age, this podcast is for you.

Making the ground your 'friend for life' 
Get the FREE E-Book

Being able to get down and up from the ground and sit and move around there is a key movement ingredient missing in many people's lives due to the comforts of modern living. If we want to keep moving this way with ease and to gain the many benefits it brings, we need to do so daily. Get your copy to help make the ground your friend for life.

5 Day Introductory Online Course: ’Move more naturally to live better’ - choose from 'Self-Paced’ or LIVE attendance

This 5 Day course will introduce you to ideas about how to move more naturally in our modern environments and coach you through some daily movements to use as inspiration, helping you to start embracing a movement-rich life.